
#4 D Walsh 2013-06-04 10:22
The forklift was reversed in to the wall, the gyproc is pushed in so there is none on this side.........
#3 norm 2013-06-02 11:57
there is no drywall on the floor nor debris. totally staged.
#2 Bryan 2013-05-31 19:38
I have NO DOUBT that the banner was put up POST accident. The owner of the photo stated she could not confirm this as it was not an area that she is in often. Her point though was that if that were the case, it still shows what employees think of the safety banners around the plant... JOKE! I have to agree with her, it is TOO PERFECT for it not to have been staged.
#1 Mark Soma 2013-05-31 13:44
Was the banner put up post incident, or did the forklift just happen to crash through the wall after the banner installation?

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